- What is Calisthenics Movement
- Why You Should Train Your Mobility
- Cali Move Mobility Program Review
- The Costs
- Required Equipment
- Alternatives to the Cali Move Mobility Program
- Other Cali Move Programs to Look For
- Cali Move Discount Code
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Cali Move Mobility Program
The Cali Move Mobility Program is another entry in the long repertoire of Calisthenics programs designed by Calisthenics Movement. With a boisterous pose, Alex Lorenz shows rather than tells us the possibilities of the Cali Move Mobility Program and what relatively simple movement exercises can mean for you. This program, meant for anyone willing to start improving their body, health and lifestyle, focusses on mobility, flexibility and a stable core. This implies to us that the Cali Move Mobility Program is excellent for weight loss and for people who want to work on improving and maintaining joint mobility. Never the ones to pass up a good workout opportunity, we went ahead and got ourselves the full half-year course for this in-depth, Cali Move Mobility Program Review. We also have a discount code for our loyal readers.
Review Update!
Since this review was published on July 21 2022, Cali Move has updated their mobility program to the Cali Move Mobility 2.0 Program. We have tried this new program to see the differences between the old and the new. Cali Move Mobility 2.0 shares many of the same features as to the old program, with noticeable improvements in layout and presentation. The new graphics focus more on the exact movement required too, giving you a clearer picture overall on what’s expected from you.
The workouts have been streamlined more into transitional flows. Workouts can be variable in time now as well, anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes and they all have more variety to them. All-in-all, Cali Move Mobility 2.0 sees a lot of quality-of-life improvements and makes the workouts themselves much less monotonous and more rewarding.
As of this revision, Cali Move is also busy making their own app. Although their program works just fine on any mobile browser, we can expect a Mobility App version too in the future.
Would you rather learn about the Cali Move Mobility 2.0 program from a video? Then we invite you to watch our video review on YouTube:
What is Calisthenics Movement
Calisthenics Movement should need little introduction to our loyal readers. Headed and designed by Sven Kohl and Alex “El Eggs” Lorenz, Calisthenics Movement is an online platform promoting Calisthenics and a healthy lifestyle to anyone. With an unrivaled passion for Calisthenics, Cali Move has uploaded countless hours of tutorials on how to perform exercises, as well as full workout routines and more. Calisthenics Movement has attracted millions of Calisthenics enthusiasts worldwide.
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Why You Should Train Your Mobility
Staying fit means staying mobile. Looking good and having large muscles may appear esthetically pleasing, but the real secret to leading a long and healthy life is to keep moving. Life is motion, without motion there can be only decay. Half the reason we have an enormous obesity problem in the Western world isn’t because we’re not strong enough. It’s because we do nothing and eat much. Healthy nutrition aside, introducing enough movement into your life is a key contributor to staying healthy. Mobility exercise has been positively attributed to longer life expectancy, reduced risk of heart and coronary diseases, reduced risk of seizures especially later in life, reduced risk of joint injury, improved mental health and many more factors which influence your future.
Whether you’re combining a muscle building routine with mobility exercises, or you’re just after keeping your body agile and your joints supple, regularly doing mobility exercises is your very best shot at living a long and healthy life. A solid Mobility Program is where you can start this new life.
Cali Move Mobility Program Review
Like our previous reviews, we’ve divided our Cali Move Mobility Program review into 5 parts. Each part will discuss a different facet or functionality of the entire program. We do this so we can really hammer the finer details home and give you a better insight into the nitty and gritty, the insides of the program itself. It also makes things easier and more organized for us, so we can give you as complete a picture as we possibly can.
We’ll start with a summarized overview of the program and what you can expect in terms of exercises and what it’s for. With an understanding of what you’ll be doing and what the end results ought to be, we’ll proceed with looking at the requirements to even start. Once we’ve established the requirements and had a look at the program, you should have a clear picture already whether or not this might be a Calisthenics Program you’d be interested in.
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The last three facets have to do with the exterior of the program, how it functions, how it navigates, look and feel and how information is presented. We’ll also take a look at the long term and give our own professional opinion on the effectiveness of the exercises and the program itself. Closely tied to this is the sense of progression, which should tie back to the beginning in that it gives us a sense of how fast we’re expected to improve and thus how hard the program is.
Cali Move Mobility 2.0 Program Overview
The Cali Move Mobility Program is divided into 3 Levels, each Level taking 8 weeks to complete. More on those 8 weeks per Level later. Level 1 is preceded by a “Prep Week” to get you to a more normalized level of agility and as a base level.
Each consecutive Level is harder than the previous Level, working up to a greater degree of agility. Prefacing each Level are tutorials for all the exercises you will be doing during those 8 weeks. These come in the form of descriptions and HD quality videos along with other reading material and complete schedules (which you can also download as a PDF). More precise internal workings about the Cali Move Mobility Program will be discussed below.
Prep Week | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
1 week | 8 Weeks | 8 Weeks | 8 Weeks |
Walking & Sitting Squat Exercises | Walking & Sitting Squat Exercises | Kneeling, Bending & Sitting Squat Exercises | Bending, Squat Walking & Hip-Rotational Exercises |
We can be swift when it comes to the requirements. If you can stand on your own two feet and walk, you can start with the Cali Move Mobility Program. Of course, we have to add little nuance here. If you’re struggling with obesity, then the road ahead of you will be longer and you’ll have to start with the “level 1” versions of each exercise. Perhaps you’ll even have to ease into those as well or do fewer repetitions. These mobility exercises are meant to gain you agility and strengthen your joints, not wear them out.
If you feel any discomfort in your joints during these exercises, you are likely putting too much weight on them. Ease out of the exercise slowly and go for an easier version. The real and more sustainable solution is to shed weight, through the Cali Move Mobility Program but also by following a healthy, weight loss diet.
Form & Function
The Cali Move Mobility Program is presented in the same sleek setup we’re used to from Calisthenics Movement. For those unfamiliar, the website presents us with a bullet list styled presentation of what we need to do. By clicking or pressing on any of the exercise days, you’re brought to this list. You work down the list day by day until you’re done. The program is entirely point and click and in nature, with follow-along instructions or instruction ahead of time should you want them.

The Exercise Tutorials prefacing each Level are given as a list too and consists of a narrated, HD-quality video. Alex gives detailed instructions on how each exercise is performed, what the benefits are and gives examples of common mistakes and things to avoid too.

Day-by-Day routines are also presented in HD video format, where Alex showcases each exercise consecutively. This is a nice reminder of what the intended exercise was. The showcase is sped up to keep the videos shorter. We’d have preferred if these were full-length, follow-along workout sessions but these work too.

The rest of the days, weeks and levels work the same way but with variety in the exercises you’ll be performing. The website works smoothly and on any device. We’ve never had any trouble accessing the course.
Effectiveness of the Exercises
For a mobility-oriented program, the Cali Move Mobility Program ticks all the boxes. It gives you a full-body movement workout routine that really focusses on increasing muscular movement and joint movement. Once you’re at Level 3, you can also utilize your favorite flow as a warm-up for your regular Calisthenics routine too.
What your personal progression will look like is nigh impossible for us to ascertain through the internet. There will be major differences between a martial artist or a Calisthenics practitioner and a couch potato for the last ten years. That is why we don’t think the 8 weeks per Level is going to be entirely accurate for everyone. If you’re reasonably fit, you could power through it and achieve that 8-week ideal for sure. Progression as seen from an average weight; average strength individual is quite doable. If you’re heavier set or obese, we advise you to take your time. Repeat a Level if you find the next Level’s progression too hard if you have too. You have lifetime access after all.
The Costs
Unlike Calisthenics Movement’s other major programs, the Cali Move Mobility 2.0 Program only has one single tier, which is priced at $84.69 as a one-time fee for lifetime access. You can also pay in 6 monthly installments of $18.14. To save a little extra, our loyal readers can benefit from a 10% discount code, at the end of this article.
Here’s a list of what you’re getting for your 85 bucks:
- The complete, 24-week course
- Schedules for 15-50 min workouts, 3-6 times a week
- Lifetime access to the program
- High-quality online video instructions
- Exact descriptions of every exercise
- Downloadable PDF files
- Additional tutorials for splits, handstand press, and v-sit
- A healthy, fit, unlocked body
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Required Equipment
To properly participate in the Cali Move Mobility Program, you will need some rudimentary Calisthenics equipment at your disposal. These are:
- Broomstick or a towel
- Pull-Up Bar and or,
- Gymnastic Rings
Alternatives to the Cali Move Mobility Program
The Cali Move Mobility Program errs more on the side of fitness than Calisthenics. Indeed, the two sports are closely related and other hybrids between straight up fitness and Calisthenics are few and far between, which is a pity since they mesh so well together. One very promising Fitness-Calisthenics program that caught our attention is VAHVA Fitness 20XX.
The VAHVA Movement 20XX program, like the Cali Move Mobility Program, is movement and agility based and has been designed to be approachable by anyone, yet to be infinitely scalable.
Other Cali Move Programs to Look For
Calisthenics Movement is known for their high quality, effective workout routines. Other, excellent Calisthenics programs by Cali Move and which we have reviewed are:
Cali Move Discount Code
If you’re interested in trying out the Cali Move Mobility Program you, as our reader, don’t have to pay the full price. Use the code CWW10 at checkout to get a 10% discount. This not only goes for the Cali Move Mobility Program but for all of Calisthenics Movement’s programs.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Cali Move Mobility Program
Here are a number of frequently asked questions about the Cali Move Mobility Program.
The Cali Move Mobility Program is an easy-to-follow mobility exercise program. It covers full body mobility and unlocks your joints. The Cali Move Mobility Program comes in an accessible format and presents everything you’re looking for in a mobility program in one, convenient package.
Cali Move is from Leipzig, Germany where Alex “El Eggs” Lorenz and Sven Kohl lead Calisthenics into a bright new future. They cater to an international audience which is millions strong.
You can perform mobility workouts 3 to 5 times a week. How often you should do your workouts depends on your level of agility. For persons of a normal posture and strength, doing mobility workouts (which are light on strain) 5 times a week should be no problem. If you’re obese or otherwise movement impaired, doing fewer repetitions, easier variations or fewer workouts a week is advisable.