- About Gravity Fitness
- The New Gravity Fitness 2023 Hybrid Pro Parallettes
- Our Expectations for the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Line
- General thoughts about the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Line
- Gravity Fitness Hybrid Parallettes vs. Gravity Fitness PRO Parallettes
- Conclusions and Final Thoughts
- Conclusions and Final Thoughts
- Frequently Asked Questions About Gravity Fitness Hybrid Pro
Looking for that indestructible Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro line? Rugged steel construction with firm, wooden handles and that familiar Gravity Fitness quality, what more could you wish for from your Parallettes? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we got ‘em! And we’re excited to test all three of Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro and bring you our results. Gravity Fitness not only has their own name to live up to, but they’re also up against stiff opposition from the Gornation Premium Parallettes, and we shouldn’t forget that marvel of German engineering, the Pullup & Dip Parallettes. Can our British contenders match their German counterparts, or is their 2021 Men’s Health Magazine recommendation a farce? We aim to find out in this Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro review.
[Updated on 18 October 2023. Updates: added Gravity Fitness Medium PRO Hybrid Parallettes Review, pricing updates, discontinued Gravity Fitness Parallettes Pro 3.0 and new and old comparisons]
Type | Dimensions cm (inch) | Material | Capacity kg (lbs.) |
Gravity Fitness Medium Hybrid Parallettes | 50 x 40 x 30(19.78 x 15.75 x 11.8) | Birch Wood, Steel, Rubber | 127kg(280 lbs.) |
Gravity Fitness Long Hybrid Parallettes | 70 x 22 x 12.5(27.6 x 8.7 x 4.9) | Birch Wood, Steel, Rubber | 127kg(280 lbs.) |
Gravity Fitness Small Hybrid Parallettes “Travellettes” | 24 x 22 x 12.5(9.4 x 8.7 x 4.9) | Birch Wood, Steel, Rubber | 127kg(280 lbs.) |
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About Gravity Fitness
Gravity Fitness is a world-renowned producer and seller of Calisthenics home equipment based in the United Kingdom. To give you a sense of their quality, they basically hold a monopoly on the best Weighted Vests. Not because there aren’t any producers of Weighted Vests, but because theirs are simply the best and still affordable. Their other products are also well-liked and reasonably priced.
The New Gravity Fitness 2023 Hybrid Pro Parallettes
The Gravity Fitness Parallettes have received an upgrade in 2023 with the new Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro coming in 3 sizes. These new designs feature both birch wood and steel materials being combined to offer superior strength and superior comfort and grip compared to their older all-steel Gravity Fitness Parallettes Pro 3.0. The new Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro also have improvements in both strength and stability, with improved slanted rubber socks on their feet.
Our Expectations for the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Line
We love Gravity Fitness products, in particular the Gravity Fitness Weighted Vest, and we love working with Parallettes. They’re also a competitor to absolute behemoths like Gornation and Pullup and Dip. Obviously, our expectations are enormous. It will take an enormous effort to go beyond what some of the other best Parallettes have done and find a niche which justifies buying Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro over the others. We’ll be subjecting the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro to the same exercises as our reviews of the other best Parallettes:
- Handstand Push-Ups
- Push-ups
- Diamond push-ups on 1 Parallette
- L-sit and dips
- Pike push-ups
- Frog stands
- Tucked planches
The Gravity Fitness Medium Hybrid Parallettes make use of birch wood for the handles, which might be a weak point if the quality of the wood isn’t there, production methods are lacking, or quality control is weak. We’ll be interested in seeing if the use of wooden handles will improve comfort while still retaining a high enough maximum weight capacity for some serious Calisthenics. We’ll also be doing the more demanding exercises which put a lot of weight and forward momentum on the Parallettes. This means going a little lighter on the regular Push-Ups and conserving our energy for things like Diamond Push-Ups on 1 Parallettes and explosive Handstand Push-Ups.
Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Medium
- 45cm long (19.68 inch)
- 30cm wide (9.84 inch)
- 30cm high (3.9 inch)
- Weight capacity: 127kg (280 lbs)
- Price: $67.22
Watch our YouTube Video Review of the New Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Medium
Right out of the box, we’re met with the familiar high-quality guaranteed with any Gravity Fitness product. The powder coating of all the steel parts was impeccable and the wooden handles were smooth with nicely finished; no chips, discolorations or rough spots. After a thorough inspection, all the parts seemed impeccable to us, and we got right to the assembly. This is easy enough and matter of fitting the handles into the sockets and fastening the screws that come with them. As with the previous Pro Parallettes 3.0, we recommend you do this only once and keep the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro’s in their assembled state afterwards. You can take them with you outside but keep them dry and take them back inside after your exercise.
The Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro reminds us of the Gornation Parallettes for sure and they share many design features. The Hybrid Pro Parallettes look sleek and well designed, with a solid construction and thick 4” wooden handles that will take any punishment you can give it with your bare hands. The sockets into which the handles go ensure a strong hold and that it remains secure over time. The sockets sit on top of the legs, making sure that all the forces acting on it are optimally transferred to the feet. There are no discernable or significant weak points with this tried and tested design. Fully assembled, you really get to appreciate the quality of the finish and the construction itself. As we’d expect from Gravity Fitness, these are top of the shelf Parallettes. The dimensions are identical to the older Gravity Fitness Medium Parallettes PRO.

Working out with them was truly a charm and going with wooden handles is simply the superior choice in our minds. They feel firm and have just the right texture to give you an optimal grip but also comfort. You won’t need any assistance like Calisthenics gloves with the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro. The base is wide and with a solid frame, doing explosive Calisthenics or balancing acts is no problem at all. These Parallettes could be your platform to learn the Planche, and inverted Calisthenics like Handstands and Handstand Push-Ups are also safe to do.

The redesigned rubber feet, which we already like on the older Gravity Fitness Pro Parallettes 3.0, have been given another update. This time they are even more solid, provide more grip and are slanted towards the center of gravity to provide maximum stability. For all intents and purposes, these Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro have succeeded the PRO Parallettes 3.0 in all regards.
After working out and getting a solid feel for the Hybrid Parallettes, we can say that we’re more than impressed. This is a direct contender for the Gornation Parallettes and you won’t be making the inferior choice when choosing the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro now.
Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Long
- 70cm long (19.68 inch)
- 30cm wide (9.84 inch)
- 30cm high (3.9 inch)
- Weight capacity: 127kg (280 lbs)
- Price: £69.95
The long Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro are truly that; long! With a whole 70cm (an impressive 2’ 4”!), these long Parallettes with a low center of gravity prove that size does matter. At least, when you need maximum stability. You receive the same level of quality as with the Medium Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro, the thick 4” wooden handle and powder coated steel frame will last you a lifetime with proper care.
Since these are considerably lower than the medium version, exercises like L-Sits and deeper Push-Ups or Dips aren’t their strong suit. Rather, Planches and Handstands are where the Gravity Fitness Long Hybrid Parallettes really shine. The immense base provides for a rock-solid foundation for anything that’s off the floor, whether fully inverted like with Handstand Push-Ups or horizontal like with the Planche or Planche Push-Ups.
Whatever reservations you may have had, like the Parallettes slipping over a smooth floor, are addressed completely by those beefy rubber feet.
Watch our YouTube Video Review of the New Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Long
Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Small (Travellettes)
- 24cm long (9.4 inch)
- 22cm wide (8.7 inch)
- 12.5cm high (4.9 inch)
- Weight capacity: 127kg (280 lbs)
- Price: £54.95
Small and practical, these Travellettes as Gravity Fitness calls them function great for any of your Push-Ups and other related low-to-the-floor exercises. They are small enough to fit in your gym bag, giving you the comfort of wooden handles and a slight incline from the floor. You won’t have to touch the filthy gym floor or outside ground either. The thick rubber feet ensure that any surface it stands on will suffice.
This is likely the strongest pair of Hybrid Parallettes, seeing as the gauges are all the same as with the medium and long version, but the horizontal expanse of the handles is much shorter. This gives you the confidence to do explosive Calisthenics and the knowledge that you’re dealing with a durable product. They are only slightly girthier and bulkier than your average Push-Up Bar and can stand-in for one, readily.
Watch our YouTube Video Review of the New Gravity Fitness Travellettes
General thoughts about the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Line
We simply loved the Gravity Fitness Hybrid Parallettes. They combine all the features of tough tubular steel with the comfort of a wooden handle. They’re not the first to do this, but Gravity Fitness makes a shining example of how it’s done with their improved Hybrid Parallettes. They are strong, solid and immovable, all desired traits for Parallettes which require a bit more stability than say a Push-Up Bar or even a Dip Bar. The wooden handles felt solid but also perfectly sanded, with just the right amount of roughness left for a grip with traction. Even when things got sweaty, the wooden handles required no help like chalk or gloves.
The fit and finish were very impressive, and the build-quality speaks for itself once you’ve got it assembled. These Parallettes aren’t meant to be used outside much and they won’t weather things like rain and frost very well. Keep them inside or take them with you to a Calisthenics Park on a dry (can be sunny) day. Under these conditions and seeing what the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro provides, we fell in love with them quickly.
The Gravity Fitness Parallettes PRO 3.0 are discontinued. These steel Parallettes were solid, durable, and indestructible. If you’re ever afraid about equipment breaking, these steel Parallettes were your solution. Nothing would break these unless your definition of Push-Ups involves a plasma cutter. The stated maximum weight capacity was a little white lie to avoid liability. Tubular steel of that gauge can tolerate so much more, and you could have probably used them as a carjack to lift a pickup. With the material involved and the shapes used, this was pretty much the toughest, sturdiest set of Parallettes you can buy.
Maybe they are still available by the time you read this, but maybe they sold out. Even if you can’t find them anymore, fret not! The new Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro does everything the older generation did, giving you the confidence to perform any exercise but with much-improved comfort and even some improved stability.
You’ll need a spanner to assemble the Hybrid Parallettes and once assembled, we advise you to never take them apart again. The Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro comes with a lifetime guarantee and if stored properly and kept as they are (assembled), you will never come to rely on that guarantee.
Gravity Fitness Hybrid Parallettes vs. Gravity Fitness PRO Parallettes
There is an ongoing debate of the merits of Steel Parallettes opposed to Wooden Parallettes. Tubular steel has the advantage of far higher tensile strength than wood. As with everything, however, it comes down to execution. Wooden handles can be more than strong enough to handle the weight if they are of high-quality, properly shaped, properly treated and properly maintained. Steel Parallettes are easier to construct; the tubes can be molded and these Parallettes tend to consist of one type of material only. Wooden Parallettes are usually part wood (the handles) and part steel (the base). There’s more to go wrong there.
This means that Steel Parallettes can be cheaper than Wooden Parallettes while giving you similar quality control and results. All things being equal, steel is the stronger material, but steel will never give you the same grip feeling as wood. We always prefer the superior overall characteristics of a hybrid design, like the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro and they are an improvement to their older all-steel counterparts.
Conclusions and Final Thoughts
Sturdy, high-quality and durable, the Gravity Fitness Parallettes are the ideal choice for explosive Calisthenics, learning the Planche and as affordable, dependable companions throughout your Calisthenics career. Gravity Fitness certainly takes a spot in the higher echelons of Calisthenics equipment and they prove it yet again with their Pro Parallettes 3.0. Are they the most comfortable to use? No, but it’s a give or take. They’ll be comfortable for long enough for you to do your thing. In the meanwhile, that extra security you get from an all-steel construction puts these Parallettes in their own double niche:
- An affordable, decent, durable workhorse for someone who won’t necessarily be able to take the best care of them (either at home or professionally in the gym).
- To bear the weight of heavyweights looking to do explosive Calisthenics.
Whether used standalone or as part of your Home Gym Equipment, the Gravity Fitness Parallettes will not disappoint. The opposite, in fact.
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Conclusions and Final Thoughts
Sturdy, high-quality and durable, the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro is the ideal choice for explosive Calisthenics, inverted exercises like the Handstand Push-Up or horizontal exercises like the Planche. They are affordable, dependable companions throughout your Calisthenics career. Gravity Fitness certainly takes a spot in the higher echelons of Calisthenics equipment, and they prove it yet again with their Hybrid Parallettes.
The previous Gravity Fitness Pro Parallettes 3.0 are discontinued and might not be available. However, we feel the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro are excellent successors to this legacy. The updated design for improved stability and comfort really makes them stand out from the competition. The execution on the wooden handles is superb and the design features give you a very solid foundation for, yet again, any Calisthenics exercise imaginable. With 3 choices, you can go for added stability or something more easily carried in a gym bag. We can always recommend the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Medium, as these are stable and durable enough for any exercise.
Whether used standalone or as part of your Home Gym Equipment, the Gravity Fitness Parallettes will not disappoint. The opposite, in fact.
Frequently Asked Questions About Gravity Fitness Hybrid Pro
Finally, we have a few frequently asked questions we receive about Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro and other products.
Which Gravity Fitness Parallettes are best?
The current version is the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Medium. They come with upgraded rubber caps for increased stability and anti-slip retention. These are the best Parallettes Gravity Fitness has to offer and coincidentally the only Parallettes they sell after having retired the previous 3.0 line.
Where is Gravity Fitness from?
Gravity Fitness is from the United Kingdom. They sell and ship worldwide, and shipping times are generally short (1-2 days in the UK, 2-4 days in Europe and 4-7 days beyond that). You can also change your currency from Pounds to Euro or Dollar (US, CAD and AUS) on the top-right corner of their website. No exchange costs are applied.
Which Gravity Fitness Parallettes should I get?
Depending on what you want to do there are several options. Getting the Gravity Fitness Parallettes Hybrid Pro Medium is always a solid choice. They are workhorse, all-round Parallettes which allow you to do all your Calisthenics involving Parallettes. The Gravity Fitness Travellettes are the ideal Push-Up Bars and provide unmatched stability for doing handstands and Handstand Push-Ups.