Contribute to Calisthenics Worldwide
In the field of calisthenics, there is always a requirement for good stuff. The richer the content is, the more knowledge we get. Calisthenics Worldwide wants to provide the best available evidence-based information to all calisthenics enthusiasts. Specific exercises, nutrition, equipment and many more topics are of interest to us and our readers. Since some of our team members are physiotherapists, we are also interested in providing information about preventing and overcoming injuries, and in articles about recovery after training.
Become a Guest Author
If you have information that is beneficial to our readers, we are happy to consider your article for publication on our website. We are very much in favour of educating and helping our fellow calisthenics athletes. So, if you want to share your knowledge or anything from your experience in the field of calisthenics, you are very welcome. Knowledge increases through sharing.
As a guest writer, you are required to submit a fresh article without any plagiarism. Of course, quotes are permitted. There is no specific limit to the number of words in each article. You can use our existing blogs as reference. And of course, your name will be displayed as the author and owner of the content.
Mutual Benefit
We do not charge any fee or money to publish on our website platform. Publishing your content is for free. We provide a platform to guest writers so they can showcase their talent and share their knowledge. Above all, we want to help our readers. Of course, we are happy to link to your own page(s) and social media in the article you provide. And if you like, we can provide a guest article for your website too.
If you are interested in becoming a guest author on Calisthenics Worldwide, you can contact us here. We look forward to hearing from you.