On the 1st and 2nd of June 2024 FinalRep BeNeLux is organising the Streetlifting BeNeLux Open Championship, which is the official qualifier for the European Streetlifting Championship 2024. They are part of the FinalRep Competition Ecosystem and they’re engaged in the worldwide structure that FinalRep is unfolding. They’re aiming to make it possible for athletes in the BeNeLux to compete in professional competitions and give them the chance to compete at the highest level. FinalRep BeNeLux is very much committed to establish professional structures into the Streetlifting sport. The upcoming years they’ll be engaging in partnerships with different organisations within the sport, to make it possible for beginners to get competition experience from nationals or regionals.
General Information
- Location: Atlas Gym Ghent
- Address: Koopvaardijlaan 142, 9000, Ghent, Belgium
- Timetable: Streetlifting BeNeLux Open Championship 2024
- Event / Sport Management: Jonas Mees, Kristof Kennes, Amber Falque & Jelle Eeckhaut
- Event Team: Lou, Régnier Hermant, Nadine van Oosten, Eneas van Neste, Alexandra Matulessy, Jeroen Dieriks & Mathias Van kerckhoven
- Head Judges: Amber Falque & Jelle Eeckhaut
- Judges: Nico Mertens, Thomas Lerho, Michael Mattelaer, Daniel Dinescu, Senne Janssen, Ibrahim Chaibi, Tino van de Ven & Nika
- Speakers: Reno from Never Offline & Mehdi Zeguendi from Barbenders
- WH / Spot Team: Matthia Manzini, Sylvain, Oussama, Midas, Tim Molkens, Rachid Acheache, Mikeas, Jonas Mees, Jordin Vliegen & Micha Jansen
- V-Play: In colleboration with the Belgian Calisthenics Federation, NLCB, InnoSportsLab & ICSWF
- Photo & Camera: Lift Media (Media Packages)
- Livestream: BlastworksTV (moderated by Kristof Kennes & Lai)
- Press: Calisthenics Worldwide
- Event Sponsors / Partners: Barriorzz, SBD Belgium, Het Systeem, Mergaux MGX, Barbenders Belgium, Mama én Fit, Unfazed, Fitzilla, Wolfpack Calisthenics, King Of Weighted

FinalRep Streetlifting Athletes
There will be 48 men (in 6 categories) and 18 women (in 4 categories) competing from 7 different countries. They’ll all have 3 attempts at doing the following weighted exercises with as much weight as possible: a muscle up (on rings or bar), dip, pull- or chin up and squat.
Flight 1 – Women -57kg
- Manon Vergucht (BE)
- Nadine Hettinga (NL)
- Alice Nederlandt (BE)
Flight 1 – Women -63kg
- Amber Falque (BE)
- OPEN – Hanna Hoogen (DE)
- Janneke Roeterink (NL)
- Laurine Bourcy (BE)
- Morgane Bouvy (BE)
- Shannon Nanninga (NL)
Flight 2 – Men +94kg
- Jonas Mees (BE)
- Jordin Vliegen (NL) from JOR Sports & More
- OPEN – Jan Balut (PL)
- Ivo van Beveren (NL)
- Loic Wolfs (BE)
- Samuel Adjeodah (BE)
Flight 3 – Men -66kg
- Ibrahim Chaibi (BE)
- Killian Flecheux (BE)
- OPEN – Allan Kostka (FR)
- Rayn Ramkishun (NL)
- Aaron Willaert (BE)
- Imbreckx Lucas (BE)
- Edric Magalona (NL)
Flight 4 – Men -66kg & -94kg
- Arthur Jongen (BE)
- Ryan Ronomoeljo (NL)
- Dylan Eren (BE)
- Duncan Vos (NL)
- Gwendal Scott Roy Simon (BE)
- Kenny Kathmann (NL)
- Robin Pittia (BE)
- Badr van der Stoel (NL)
Flight 5 – Women -70kg
- Myrthe van der Haijden (NL)
- Inori Serre (NL)
- Lynn Narings (NL)
- Serena Fernandez Ilona (BE)
Flight 5 – Women +70kg
- Claudia van Osch (NL)
- Anaïs Lobo (BE)
- Lian Brands (NL)
Flight 6 – Men -73kg
- Israelian Albert (BE)
- OPEN – Etienne Sahel (FR)
- OPEN – Lessig Ali (FR)
- Luca Van Gremberghen (NL)
- Guillaume Parein (BE)
- Devano Robertus Mario Zaandam (NL)
- Samir Hussain (BE)
- OPEN – Yahann Capdeville (FR)
- Jessy Kibana (BE)
Flight 7 – Men -80kg
- OPEN – Michael Schulz (DE)
- OPEN – Christel Romain (FR)
- Daan Bogert (NL)
- Deniz Insel (BE)
- Daniël Wassenaar (NL)
- OPEN – Stanislav Zhos (UA)
- Franco Conreur (BE)
- John Nguyen (NL)
- Sem Visser (NL)
- Rafael Furtado Matos (BE)
Flight 8 – Men -87kg
- Paul-Emile Huet (BE)
- Jan Walter (NL)
- Dennis Keyner (NL)
- Daan Janssen (NL)
- Tim Engel (NL)
- Gilles Vandeput (BE)
- Glenn Tertoolen (NL)
- Tim de Blois (NL)
Accredited Coaches
- Cedrick Hayen
- Arthur Jongen
- Joshua Stribos
- Baptiste Doupagne
- Juliette Girin
- Hassan Farai from NCA
- Jan Walter
- Ahmet Killic
- Laurent Modolo
- Coen Winia
- Kevin Fret
- Parrini Luca
- Brysse Anne- Sophie
- Alois Untergassmair
- Chistrel Nelwenn
- Gwendal Simon
Calisthenics Worldwide Press
At Calisthenics Worldwide we try to grow the calisthenics sport in all it’s forms. We visit as many competitions as possible and we post videos to give a podium to as many athletes as possible. We’re a big fan of Final Rep and we’re very happy to be present at this amazing Streetlifting competition in Gent. We’ll be filming at the BeNeLux Open and posting that content on the Calisthenics Worldwide YouTube channel. Besides that, we invite you to follow our Instagram Account and of course the FinalRep YouTube Channel.
We wish all the athletes and their coaches the best of luck and we’re looking forward to meeting all of you at the BeNeLux Open 2024. And of course we also want to thank the organisers from Final Rep BeNeLux for making all of this possible and letting us be part of it.
For lists of freestyle or endurance calisthenics competitions, make sure to check out our Best Freestyle Calisthenics Competitions in 2024 & Best Endurance Calisthenics Competitions in 2024 blog!